5 reasons why isomaltulose is the better sugar

Isomaltulose is made from sugar beets like ordinary household sugar, but due to the special processing, isomaltulose contains unique (atypical) properties.
What is isomaltulose anyway?
Isomaltulose (not to be confused with isomaltose) is a naturally occurring sweet-tasting carbohydrate from the group of disaccharides (double sugars). It is made from sugar beets and, like common household sugar, is a disaccharide made from glucose and fructose.
It also looks the same and has the same physical calorific value of 4 kcal per gram. The crucial difference is the more stable bond between the two types of sugar. Due to the more stable binding, isomaltulose is broken down and absorbed more slowly compared to conventional sugar. Due to this physiological metabolic property, isomaltulose is also referred to as a slowly available carbohydrate.
What makes isomaltulose so interesting for gamers?
#1 Long-lasting and constant energy
Due to the delayed absorption of isomaltulose, the blood glucose concentration rises significantly more slowly after administration. The blood sugar level remains stable over a longer period of time, which means that the energy gained from this can be retained in the body for a longer period of time.
This feature is ideal for gamers as it avoids a crash after a rapid and high rise in blood sugar levels. This ensures more concentration and consistent energy levels.

#2 No crash due to a constant blood sugar level
As already mentioned, blood sugar does not rise as much when consuming isomaltulose as with conventional household sugar. Loss of performance, hunger, fatigue and, in the worst case, starvation are the consequences when the blood sugar level goes on a roller coaster.
Because isomaltulose is broken down more slowly, blood sugar levels fluctuate less and need to be regulated less by the hormone insulin. This is not only beneficial for the health of your pancreas, but also for full focus on your game. The longer-lasting feeling of satiety caused by isomaltulose is also perfect for not having to constantly think about food during the gaming session.
#3 Isomaltulose is tooth-friendly
One of the biggest problems with consuming sugary foods and drinks is the increased risk of tooth decay. In contrast to table sugar, isomaltulose does not cause tooth decay or erosion damage (tooth damage caused by acids), as its structure means that it is hardly broken down by oral bacteria to produce tooth-damaging acids.
#4 Very well tolerated
Isomaltulose is very well tolerated and is easily digested by the body. Even if larger quantities are consumed, there are no digestive problems or a laxative effect like some sugar substitutes.
#5 Higher fat oxidation
Whether you're a gamer or an athlete, a normal body fat percentage is healthy and beneficial for everyone. Belly fat in particular is considered to be particularly harmful to health.
Normally, consuming carbohydrates reduces the rate of fatty acid oxidation and “fat burning” is (partially) switched off. Due to the better reactions of isomaltulose to metabolism, fat oxidation is comparatively little affected. This doesn't mean you'll automatically burn fat when you consume isomaltulose, but you will increase your potential to lose body fat.
Even though the benefits of isomaltulose are obvious, the sugar alternative is not yet well known. Isomaltulose is a real alternative, especially for diabetics, gamers, athletes and sweets junkies, without undesirable effects such as severe blood sugar fluctuations and increased risk of tooth decay.
Due to its lack of awareness, isomaltulose is only available in a few shops. In addition, isomaltulose is not particularly cheap. A kilo of the branded raw material Palatinose costs around 10 euros, almost five times as much as dextrose (around 2 euros per kilo) and a good ten times as much as conventional household sugar (around 1 euros per kilo).
Images: https://www.beneo.com/
[1] Bene Palatinit.: Palatinose™ (Isomaltulose) – What is it and how is it formed? URL: http://www.beneo-palatinit.com/de/Food_Ingredients/Isomaltulose/What_is_Isomaltulose/.
[2] Mueller, K. / Hingst, J. (2013): The Athlete's Guide to Sports Supplements. p. 155.
[3] West et al. (2011): Isomaltulose Improves Postexercise Glycemia by Reducing CHO Oxidation in T1DM. In: Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. URL: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20543751.
[4] van Can et al. (2009): Reduced glycaemic and insulinemic responses following isomaltulose ingestion: implications for postprandial substrate use. In: The British Journal of Nutrition. URL: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19671200.
[5] Ooshima et al. (1990): Plaque Formation of Dietary Isomaltulose in Humans. In: Caries Research. URL: http://www.karger.com/Article/Abstract/261238.
[6] Bene Palatinite: Palatinose™. The first sugar with tooth-friendly properties. URL: http://www.beneo-palatinit.com/de/Food_Ingredients/Isomaltulose/Nutritional_Benefits_of_Isomaltulose/OnePager_DENTAL_DE_2009Sept.pdf.
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