Becoming a streamer – what do I need?

Guest post by Christopher Diamant. Christopher is a streamer from NRW. Christopher streams under the name The Diamond. You can reach his Twitch here.
This is what most gamers dream of: playing online as a streamer in front of many viewers and earning additional money. What sounds like a dream to some people has become reality for streamers like Knossi or MontanaBlack88. But this goal can only be achieved through a lot of work, creativity and ingenuity. The selection of streamers is getting bigger and bigger and in order to make a name for yourself in the online world, you have to stand out from the crowd. But how do I become a streamer and what equipment do I need for it? You can find out all this and more here in my blog post.
A streamer's equipment
You don't need much to start a stream. First, a good internet connection, a device that allows a stream via an app or a function and an account on a streaming platform. Here we list the devices that allow you to start into the world of streamers:
- Streaming via smartphone
- Streaming via the console
- Streaming via PC
Streaming via smartphone: The easiest way is to stream with a smartphone. Create an account on Twitch, log in with your smartphone, point the cell phone camera at you, start the stream and you're done. Sounds too good to be true? But it's not, so streaming is already possible. It is difficult to say whether this simple method is successful because the options here are very limited. Adjustments to the stream, such as alerts, overlays or similar, are not possible on the cell phone. Therefore, it is the simplest, but probably the most hopeless option for achieving long-term success.
Streaming via the console: Consoles these days have the streaming function integrated. You can log in to the streaming platform directly via the device and transmit a stream. Your voice can be transmitted using a microphone and the image can also be transmitted using a console-compatible camera. The whole thing is closer to a high-quality stream than a stream via a cell phone, but no layout or overlay can be integrated. Therefore, if you enjoy streaming in the long term, you should consider whether you want to invest a little more in the equipment.
Streaming via PC: If you want to achieve greater goals as a streamer these days, you have to stand out from the crowd. This means that the stream has to offer a lot - creative ideas and actions, a great layout or overlay, a good and constant internet connection and very good quality. In this case, quality means a clear voice, a sharp picture and good sound when gaming. In order to fully guarantee these points, it is necessary to stream via a PC. It is possible to install so-called Open Broadcasting Software (OBS) on a PC in order to get everything out of a stream. This software is comparable to those used for large television broadcasts. Examples of this include OBS Studio or Streamlabs OBS. Setting up takes a bit of time, but it's not too complicated thanks to the large selection of tutorial videos online. This type of software can then be used to integrate many things such as alerts or overlays.
On which platforms can I present myself as a streamer?
Basically, there are many different ways to establish yourself as a streamer online. The first step is to choose the right platform on which you want to stream. The largest platforms for this are currently Twitch, YouTube and Facebook. These platforms offer various advantages but also disadvantages. When choosing a streaming service, you should find out more about it and compare it. Once you have built up a fan base as a streamer on one platform, it is difficult to maintain the number of viewers when you switch to another platform. So try to weigh up which platform is the most suitable for you and which one will bring you the most advantages. To make it easier for you to find the providers, we have listed the largest services with links here:
Overlays and designs for streamers
To give your stream a unique look, you can add so-called overlays or matching designs. If you google overlays, you'll be overwhelmed with offers. There are many free themes available to you, but some come with conditions such as attribution. Should you decide to purchase a design with money, there are many options available to you. You can find cheap pre-made designs on sites like Own3d . But if you want an individual overlay that includes your logo or your desired colors, there are various ways to find graphic artists and designers online who can implement your wishes. A good example of this is Fiverr . Here you will find creative people from all over the world who will create many different designs for you.
What else should a streamer consider?
If you look at big streamers who make a lot of money from streaming, you'll notice that these are people who are in public and can also speak in front of the camera. So it's important that you don't just sit in front of the camera and play games. You should also interact with your viewers and engage them in your stream. One way to do this is through actions that allow your viewers to interact with you in the stream. For example, bet on your next round with channel points or take part in conversations that you have with other people, for example. This way you integrate viewers into your stream, which ensures that viewers also engage with you as a person. But you should never pretend, but act authentically. Always be who you are in private, even when you're in front of the camera. Subconsciously, viewers notice when someone is pretending. This way you maintain authenticity and that is better received by viewers than someone who just pretends to be someone. Be yourself, be natural – just like the ingredients of the ETRITION Reload products.
Another point you should consider is consistency. This means that you should be found and recognized on different media. This works by using the same logo or design and the same name on different social media platforms. For example, if your name is “DerRasenmäher112” on Twitch, this name should also appear on your social media. If your colors on Twitch are red and white, you should use the same colors there too. This recognition value increases your media presence many times over.
The topic of social media is also a point that should not be ignored. The chance of becoming a big streamer just by streaming on Twitch is very low. So it's important that you, as a streamer, also use social media and interact with people. This can generate more viewers than you think. Introduce yourself clearly as a streamer and communicate with many people to increase your sphere of influence. To get started, it is also helpful to exchange ideas with other streamers. Streamers who stop by your stream are also viewers and at the same time multipliers for your format.
So there's a lot more to being a streamer than putting a bit of "gaming" on the Internet. So if you're thinking about becoming a streamer, try to gather as much information as possible on the internet before you get started. And before you invest a lot of money in equipment and design, think about whether you really want to invest all that time and work. No master has fallen from heaven and you don't become famous overnight. Many streamers who are famous today spent years streaming to only a handful of viewers. Starting a streamer career should be carefully considered, otherwise you will invest a lot of time, effort and money in vain. Good preparation can help you on your way. But if you decide to make the effort, you will end up with the best job in the world. If you need any further information, please feel free to contact me directly!
Your diamond!
PS We'll explain here how you can design a cool logo and what's important.
Ich finde diesen Beitrag sehr gut. Er ist informative und hat gleichzeitig viele Tipps was man besser machen kann. Ich würde mich freuen wenn noch mehr solcher Beiträge erscheinen.
DerDiamant hat einen sehr schönen Blog da rausgehauen. Ich selbst kann es nur so wieder geben das es schwer ist größer zu werden wenn man nicht etwas an seinem Stream ändert und das es sehr wichtig ist sich von jeden 0815 Streamer abheben zu müssen um nicht in der Menge unter zu gehen.
LG an DerDiamant